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Use and Terms of Service

Terms and conditions of service and privacy policy.

Through this document we present the privacy policy of our site, informing all our users of the correct conditions of use on our website

Using or continuing to browse our site leads to the full acceptance of each and every one of the points found in this Legal Notice. If you do not agree with any of those established, you should not use or / or access this website.

The right to modify this Privacy Statement is reserved at any time. Its continued use after being notified of the change will be taken as an acceptance of such modifications.

Cookies or Cookies.

We use cookies on our website, these data files provide information without making references that allow us to know the person's personal data.

So that this does not happen, you can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of these cookies files sent by this site, without damaging the possibility of accessing the content hosted on the web. However, if you choose this option, we are not responsible for errors in the proper functioning of the site.

To deactivate the advertising Cookies and that the Google Adsense systems access this link and click "Disable".

Trademarks Web or Web Beacons.

Web beacons can also be on this site, this is a graphic file with which you can count the number of users who visit the web or those who access its cookies, allowing you to offer them a more personalized browsing experience.

Third Party Actions.

Within this site, the user can find other services shared with third parties, Cobranded Sites, which may require information provided by you. On this site you will find pages, promotions, virtual stores, microsites, surveys, advertising, sponsors, contractors and / or partners and commercial services.
This information that you voluntarily provide on these Cobranded Sites is subject to the privacy policies of said Sites and therefore will not be subject to this privacy policy. Therefore, Users are recommended to review the
Google (Analytics):

It is established that the website has permission to use, copy, reproduce, sell, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute the content that is published on it.

privacy policies that are displayed on the Cobranded Sites.

Privacy Policy For Advertising Provided On This Site:

Google Adsense:
Shopping Ads:

The data that we study are the preferences of the users who visit the site, their demographic characteristics, their traffic patterns, and other information that will help us get an overview that will make us better understand who our audience is and what it is. what do you need. Tracking these preferences also helps us deliver the most relevant advertisements to you.

Privacy Policy of Tracking Sources Used On This Site:
Personal Data Protection Policy

Before you can use the services we offer or access certain content hosted on our site, there will be certain personal data that you must provide in advance, ensuring that they will only be used for the purpose for which they were collected.

Information that will be requested includes, your name, email address (e-mail), date of birth, gender, occupation, country and city of origin and personal interests, telephone, mobile among others, not all the information requested is mandatory to be provided, except for the one that appears marked as such and that will be made known.

As a general rule, the information obtained by this site will not be revealed or shared with third parties, except in those cases in which it has been expressly authorized by you, or in the following cases:
a) When required by a competent authority and after compliance with the corresponding legal process b) When it is deemed necessary to enforce the conditions of use and other terms of this page, or to safeguard the integrity of the other users of the site.
If you knowingly and voluntarily disclose personal information on a public online site, you should be aware that such information may be collected and used by others. We do not control the actions of our visitors and users.

Responsible Conduct.

The user guarantees the reliability of the data provided to the site by filling in the necessary forms to subscribe to the Services offered, access to the content or restricted areas of the site. All information must be truthful, leaving you solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements that you make and the damage that may be caused to this site, other users and / or third parties.

For these purposes, you agree to act responsibly on this site and to treat other visitors with respect.

Use of data.

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, it is reported that the personal data provided will become part of an automated file, owned by Faina Mobile sl in whose purpose of the treatment the provision of the Service of this website, and the referral by the owner of the information service about products and services, own or third parties, that may be of interest to you, for which you provide your consent. Some of the requested data may be sensitive, so you are informed of your right not to disclose said data, these are likely to reveal your ethnic origin, nationality or sexual orientation. The User expressly accepts, by registering and accepting these Conditions, the treatment of all the data provided for the purposes indicated above.

Any owner who considers that their data is inaccurate and wants to rectify and / or eliminate them may exercise their free right of access, rectification and cancellation, by sending a communication by email to, indicating the right whose effective exercise they request. They may also exercise these rights through the page itself in the corresponding section.

You are informed that the email address you provide will be used as a means to proceed to confirm the registration and / or cancellation of the Service, as well as to inform you of the changes that occur in these Conditions.

We guarantee our users that the treatment of the data provided will be done with the utmost confidentiality, having adopted the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. < br />
The professional who is in charge of the processing of this data is subject to the regulations on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing established in Law 10/2010 and in accordance with compliance with these regulations and that he is or may be in charge of this task. be outside the scope of professional secrecy, so in case any financial authority requires information from a client, it is obliged to provide it.

Therefore, and in accordance with the following agreement, the client authorizes to deliver a copy of the documentation provided to complete the file (identification, address, professional activity) to other third parties involved in carrying out the order, in the event that said information is required. In this case, the professional may delegate all or part of the tasks to the collaborating Professionals, and may use other assistants without such fact necessarily increasing their fees.

The signatories agree to the transfer of the data and authorize its use by reason of the agreed matter in order to guarantee compliance with the L.O.P.D. and the Services Law. Data Protection. Therefore, the client expressly authorizes the Professional to include and process all personal data that were provided for the maintenance of the future contractual relationship, the preparation of statistical studies and the sending of commercial information.

Consequently, it is responsible for the transfer of the data that the CLIENT makes in their favor, expressly waiving the mandatory communication in the legislation in the case of their transfer to third parties. Likewise, the clauses established in the Services Law are expressly waived for the terms established therein without any limitation other than respect for the current legal system.

The website is an apk repository portal where you can find information for the free download and use of top games and apps. All this technical information that you will find is true. You should note that we are not affiliated with any mobile application or game software developer, unless otherwise specified. All games and software applications that you can find in our catalog, or in the search results, are authentic and have not been modified in any way.
In the event of any change in the Privacy Policy of our site, we promise to notify it immediately. also including the timely rectification in this section

The Apps on our website are PEGI 3 More info All the information that is displayed on our site has been contrasted with the official portals, in no case being altered or modified. These files are taken publicly from the official portals and are verified to avoid operating errors or any type of defect or alteration. Point out that all the information that you can see on our site complies with the terms and conditions of the policies of Google Ads Advertising and Google Unwanted Software, so we guarantee that any of the apk found on our website have been obtained directly from Google Play Store or other official portals. You should know that all the editorial content on our website is original, so copyright is reserved, except for images, which belong to their corresponding owners and which have been published on the internet, being accessible to anyone.